ocean11dheaven wrote in supernatural_hs Apr 10, 2011 21:38
fighting is a great outlet, oh hell no!, balthazar, too lazy to tag, gimme yo money, oops~, revenge is a dish best served, oh lawd, sexy as haaaaale, too school for cool, too late to apologize~, omfg, oh shit, newsworthy, sell yo soul, bad life decisions, naughty or nice, bamf like whoa, naughty hawt bitches up in hurr, oh my god, british hottie, fierce~, richer than you, oh hells yeah, sexy, baltys a party animal, bad boys watcha gonna do, oh snap, fffffffffffffffffff, solemnly swear we're up to no good
pause_foreffect wrote in supernatural_hs Mar 29, 2011 15:57
home ec lessons are useful, what is today?, fighting is a great outlet, gwen campbell is a bamf, oh lawd, oh shit shake dat ass, hero of the day, wtf is this shit man, i know the risks, vampire in da hizzouse, this is unnatural